Thursday, January 23, 2025

How Long Does It Take To Get Social Security Disability In Raleigh?

    I can give a rough idea of how long it takes in Raleigh and Eastern North Carolina in general. These numbers are mostly accurate for other parts of the state as well.

  • Time it takes to get an appointment to file a new claim: About a month
  • Time it takes to receive an initial determination on a new claim: About six to nine months
  • Time it takes to receive a reconsideration determination on a claim: About six to nine months
  • Time it takes to receive a hearing held after asking for one: About five months
  • Time it takes to receive a decision after a hearing: About one to two months
  • Time it takes to get action from the Appeals Council: About three to twelve months
  • Time it takes to get a favorable decision implemented: About one to four months

     These numbers are approximations. There are plenty of exceptions both for the better and for the worse.   

    Yes, things take a long time. Your lesson from that is that you should get going as quickly as possible! The longer you wait, the longer things take. I've seen far too many clients who waited until they were nearly homeless before contacting me. Don't do that to yourself. Get going as early as possible.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking that the delays are so bad that you must find a better way. I wish there was a better way but there isn't. If you've been out of work more than a few months, you're probably not going back to work. If you do, you can always back out of your Social Security disability claim with no harm done. 

    Get on with it!

If you're in NC and want help with your Social Security disability claim, call Hall & Rouse, P.C. at 1-866-425-5347

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Social Security Disability Benefits And Medicare

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