Tuesday, September 3, 2024

What Are Disabled Adult Child Benefits?

    Disabled Adult Child (DAC) benefits are paid to those who become disabled before age 22. The benefits are paid based upon the earnings of the person's mother or father but benefits can't begin until the parent is drawing benefits on their account or is deceased. Most people don't know that this type of disability benefit even exists.

    I often meet with younger Social Security disability claimants who come in with their father or mother. Always the parents are worried about what will happen to their child once they're no longer around to help. DAC will probably solve a big part of this problem. At least their child will have an income and access to medical care.

    There is one thing about DAC that's very unfortunate. DAC recipient who get married usually lose their DAC. By the way, if you have a disabled child, don't discount the possibility that your child will eventually marry. It may seem out of the question today but all kinds of things happen in the fullness of time that we can't now foresee. Love conquers all kinds of obstacles.

If you're in NC and want help with your Social Security disability claim, call Hall & Rouse, P.C. at 1-866-425-5347

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Social Security Disability Benefits Attorney

     Most attorneys don't try to represent Social Security disability claimants. That's a good thing. It's a very specialized pr...