Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How Do I File A Claim For Social Security Disability Benefits?

     A lot of people who need and deserve Social Security disability benefits don't know how to get started or they try to get started and run into obstacles. Here's the three ways you can file a claim with the pros and cons of each:

  • File your claim online. Here's the link. Pros: You don't have to leave your home. You have proof positive that you filed your claim. Cons: Unless you have pretty good computer skills, you'll probably run into obstacles and give up. 

For some people filing online is a great choice but not for most people.

  • Call Social Security to schedule an appointment to file a claim. Here's the number. 1-800-772-1213. Pro: You don't have to leave home. Con: Contacting Social Security by telephone is a nightmare. You may get put on hold for an hour only to have the phone line suddenly go dead. People spend days and days trying to call Social Security. Even after you get through, they may not call you when they're supposed to or you may not be able to complete the paperwork they send you. You may give up if you go this route.

Unless you get lucky when you call them or you just can't leave the house, trying to do it over the phone is a bad choice.

  • Go to the Social Security office in person to file the claim. Pro: Somebody will see you eventually and you'll get it done. Cons: You'll have to leave the house and you'll probably have to wait for an hour or two to see someone.

Going to the Social Security office in person is the best choice for most people. It's a little inconvenient but it usually beats the alternatives..

If you're in NC and want help with your Social Security disability claim, call Hall & Rouse, P.C. at 1-844-425-5347

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